
Safety settings.

category enum (HarmCategory)

Required. Harm category.

threshold enum (HarmBlockThreshold)

Required. The harm block threshold.

method enum (HarmBlockMethod)

Optional. Specify if the threshold is used for probability or severity score. If not specified, the threshold is used for probability score.

JSON representation
  "category": enum (HarmCategory),
  "threshold": enum (HarmBlockThreshold),
  "method": enum (HarmBlockMethod)


probability based thresholds levels for blocking.

HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified harm block threshold.
BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE Block low threshold and above (i.e. block more).
BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE Block medium threshold and above.
BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH Block only high threshold (i.e. block less).
BLOCK_NONE Block none.
OFF Turn off the safety filter.


probability vs severity.

HARM_BLOCK_METHOD_UNSPECIFIED The harm block method is unspecified.
SEVERITY The harm block method uses both probability and severity scores.
PROBABILITY The harm block method uses the probability score.