Instance API

User friendly container for Cloud Spanner Instance.

class, client, configuration_name=None, node_count=None, display_name=None, emulator_host=None, labels=None, processing_units=None)

Bases: object

Representation of a Cloud Spanner Instance.

We can use a Instance to:

  • reload() itself

  • create() itself

  • update() itself

  • delete() itself

  • Parameters

    • instance_id (str) – The ID of the instance.

    • client (Client) – The client that owns the instance. Provides authorization and a project ID.

    • configuration_name (str) – Name of the instance configuration defining how the instance will be created. Required for instances which do not yet exist.

    • node_count (int) – (Optional) Number of nodes allocated to the instance.

    • processing_units (int) – (Optional) The number of processing units allocated to this instance.

    • display_name (str) – (Optional) The display name for the instance in the Cloud Console UI. (Must be between 4 and 30 characters.) If this value is not set in the constructor, will fall back to the instance ID.

    • labels (dict* (str -> str) or [None*]( – (Optional) User-assigned labels for this instance.

backup(backup_id, database='', expire_time=None, version_time=None, encryption_config=None)

Factory to create a backup within this instance.

  • Parameters

    • backup_id (str) – The ID of the backup.

    • database (Database) – Optional. The database that will be used when creating the backup. Required if the create method needs to be called.

    • expire_time (datetime.datetime) – Optional. The expire time that will be used when creating the backup. Required if the create method needs to be called.

    • version_time (datetime.datetime) – Optional. The version time that will be used to create the externally consistent copy of the database. If not present, it is the same as the create_time of the backup.

    • encryption_config (CreateBackupEncryptionConfig or dict) – (Optional) Encryption configuration for the backup. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message CreateBackupEncryptionConfig

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a backup owned by this instance.


Make a copy of this instance.

Copies the local data stored as simple types and copies the client attached to this instance.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    A copy of the current instance.

copy_backup(backup_id, source_backup, expire_time=None, encryption_config=None)

Factory to create a copy backup within this instance.

  • Parameters

    • backup_id (str) – The ID of the backup copy.

    • source_backup_id – The full path of the source backup to be copied.

    • expire_time (datetime.datetime) – Optional. The expire time that will be used when creating the copy backup. Required if the create method needs to be called.

    • encryption_config (CopyBackupEncryptionConfig or dict) – (Optional) Encryption configuration for the backup. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message CopyBackupEncryptionConfig

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a copy backup owned by this instance.


Create this instance.


NOTE: Uses the project and instance_id on the current Instance in addition to the display_name. To change them before creating, reset the values via

instance.display_name = 'New display name'
instance.instance_id = 'i-changed-my-mind'

before calling create().

  • Return type


  • Returns

    an operation instance

  • Raises

    Conflict – if the instance already exists

database(database_id, ddl_statements=(), pool=None, logger=None, encryption_config=None, database_dialect=<DatabaseDialect.DATABASE_DIALECT_UNSPECIFIED: 0>, database_role=None)

Factory to create a database within this instance.

  • Parameters

    • database_id (str) – The ID of the database.

    • ddl_statements (list of string) – (Optional) DDL statements, excluding the ‘CREATE DATABASE’ statement.

    • pool (concrete subclass of AbstractSessionPool.) – (Optional) session pool to be used by database.

    • logger (logging.Logger) – (Optional) a custom logger that is used if log_commit_stats is True to log commit statistics. If not passed, a logger will be created when needed that will log the commit statistics to stdout.

    • encryption_config (EncryptionConfig or RestoreDatabaseEncryptionConfig or dict) – (Optional) Encryption configuration for the database. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as either of the protobuf messages EncryptionConfig or RestoreDatabaseEncryptionConfig

    • database_dialect (DatabaseDialect) – (Optional) database dialect for the database

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a database owned by this instance.


Mark an instance and all of its databases for permanent deletion.


Immediately upon completion of the request:

  • Billing will cease for all of the instance’s reserved resources.

Soon afterward:

  • The instance and all databases within the instance will be deleted. All data in the databases will be permanently deleted.


Test whether this instance exists.


  • Return type


  • Returns

    True if the instance exists, else false

classmethod from_pb(instance_pb, client)

Creates an instance from a protobuf.

  • Parameters

    • instance_pb (Instance) – A instance protobuf object.

    • client (Client) – The client that owns the instance.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    The instance parsed from the protobuf response.

  • Raises

    ValueError – if the instance name does not match projects/{project}/instances/{instance_id} or if the parsed project ID does not match the project ID on the client.

list_backup_operations(filter_='', page_size=None)

List backup operations for the instance.

  • Parameters

    • filter (str) – Optional. A string specifying a filter for which backup operations to list.

    • page_size (int) – Optional. The maximum number of operations in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    Iterator of Operation resources within the current instance.

list_backups(filter_='', page_size=None)

List backups for the instance.

  • Parameters

    • filter (str) – Optional. A string specifying a filter for which backups to list.

    • page_size (int) – Optional. The maximum number of databases in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    Iterator of Backup resources within the current instance.

list_database_operations(filter_='', page_size=None)

List database operations for the instance.

  • Parameters

    • filter (str) – Optional. A string specifying a filter for which database operations to list.

    • page_size (int) – Optional. The maximum number of operations in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    Iterator of Operation resources within the current instance.


List databases for the instance.


  • Parameters

    page_size (int) – Optional. The maximum number of databases in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    Iterator of Database resources within the current instance.

property name()

Instance name used in requests.

NOTE: This property will not change if instance_id does not, but the return value is not cached.

The instance name is of the form


  • Return type


  • Returns

    The instance name.

property node_count()

Node count used in requests.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    The number of nodes in the instance’s cluster; used to set up the instance’s cluster.

property processing_units()

Processing units used in requests.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    The number of processing units allocated to this instance.


Reload the metadata for this instance.


  • Raises

    NotFound – if the instance does not exist


Update this instance.


NOTE: > Updates the display_name, node_count, processing_units

and labels. To change those values before updating, set them via

instance.display_name = 'New display name'
instance.node_count = 5

before calling update().