Snapshot API

Model a set of read-only queries to a database as a snapshot.

class, read_timestamp=None, min_read_timestamp=None, max_staleness=None, exact_staleness=None, multi_use=False)

Allow a set of reads / SQL statements with shared staleness.


If no options are passed, reads will use the strong model, reading at a timestamp where all previously committed transactions are visible.

  • Parameters

    • session (Session) – The session used to perform the commit.

    • read_timestamp (datetime.datetime) – Execute all reads at the given timestamp.

    • min_read_timestamp (datetime.datetime) – Execute all reads at a timestamp >= min_read_timestamp.

    • max_staleness (datetime.timedelta) – Read data at a timestamp >= NOW - max_staleness seconds.

    • exact_staleness (datetime.timedelta) – Execute all reads at a timestamp that is exact_staleness old.

    • multi_use (bool) – If true, multiple read() / execute_sql() calls can be performed with the snapshot in the context of a read-only transaction, used to ensure isolation / consistency. Incompatible with max_staleness and min_read_timestamp.


Begin a read-only transaction on the database.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    the ID for the newly-begun transaction.

  • Raises

    ValueError – if the transaction is already begun, committed, or rolled back.

execute_sql(sql, params=None, param_types=None, query_mode=None, query_options=None, partition=None, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE:

Perform an ExecuteStreamingSql API request.

  • Parameters

    • sql (str) – SQL query statement

    • params (dict, **{str -> column value}) – values for parameter replacement. Keys must match the names used in sql.

    • param_types (dict[str -> Union[dict, *[types.Type](spanner_v1/]*]) – (Optional) maps explicit types for one or more param values; required if parameters are passed.

    • query_mode (QueryMode) – Mode governing return of results / query plan. See: QueryMode.

    • query_options – (Optional) Query optimizer configuration to use for the given query. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message QueryOptions

    • partition (bytes) – (Optional) one of the partition tokens returned from partition_query().

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a result set instance which can be used to consume rows.

  • Raises

    ValueError – for reuse of single-use snapshots, or if a transaction ID is already pending for multiple-use snapshots.

partition_query(sql, params=None, param_types=None, partition_size_bytes=None, max_partitions=None)

Perform a ParitionQuery API request.

  • Parameters

    • sql (str) – SQL query statement

    • params (dict, **{str -> column value}) – values for parameter replacement. Keys must match the names used in sql.

    • param_types (dict[str -> Union[dict, *[types.Type](spanner_v1/]*]) – (Optional) maps explicit types for one or more param values; required if parameters are passed.

    • partition_size_bytes (int) – (Optional) desired size for each partition generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual partition size may differ.

    • max_partitions (int) – (Optional) desired maximum number of partitions generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual number of partitions may differ.

  • Return type

    iterable of bytes

  • Returns

    a sequence of partition tokens

  • Raises

    ValueError – for single-use snapshots, or if a transaction ID is already associtated with the snapshot.

partition_read(table, columns, keyset, index='', partition_size_bytes=None, max_partitions=None)

Perform a ParitionRead API request for rows in a table.

  • Parameters

    • table (str) – name of the table from which to fetch data

    • columns (list of str) – names of columns to be retrieved

    • keyset (KeySet) – keys / ranges identifying rows to be retrieved

    • index (str) – (Optional) name of index to use, rather than the table’s primary key

    • partition_size_bytes (int) – (Optional) desired size for each partition generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual partition size may differ.

    • max_partitions (int) – (Optional) desired maximum number of partitions generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual number of partitions may differ.

  • Return type

    iterable of bytes

  • Returns

    a sequence of partition tokens

  • Raises

    ValueError – for single-use snapshots, or if a transaction ID is already associtated with the snapshot.

read(table, columns, keyset, index='', limit=0, partition=None)

Perform a StreamingRead API request for rows in a table.

  • Parameters

    • table (str) – name of the table from which to fetch data

    • columns (list of str) – names of columns to be retrieved

    • keyset (KeySet) – keys / ranges identifying rows to be retrieved

    • index (str) – (Optional) name of index to use, rather than the table’s primary key

    • limit (int) – (Optional) maximum number of rows to return. Incompatible with partition.

    • partition (bytes) – (Optional) one of the partition tokens returned from partition_read(). Incompatible with limit.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a result set instance which can be used to consume rows.

  • Raises

    ValueError – for reuse of single-use snapshots, or if a transaction ID is already pending for multiple-use snapshots.