Database API

User friendly container for Cloud Spanner Database.


Bases: object

Context manager for using a batch from a database.

Inside the context manager, checks out a session from the database, creates a batch from it, making the batch available.

Caller must not use the batch to perform API requests outside the scope of the context manager.

  • Parameters

    database (Database) – database to use


Begin with block.

_exit_(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

End with block.

class, read_timestamp=None, exact_staleness=None)

Bases: object

Wrapper for generating and processing read / query batches.

  • Parameters

    • database (Database) – database to use

    • read_timestamp (datetime.datetime) – Execute all reads at the given timestamp.

    • exact_staleness (datetime.timedelta) – Execute all reads at a timestamp that is exact_staleness old.


Clean up underlying session.

NOTE: If the transaction has been shared across multiple machines, calling this on any machine would invalidate the transaction everywhere. Ideally this would be called when data has been read from all the partitions.

execute_sql(*args, **kw)

Convenience method: perform query operation via snapshot.

See execute_sql().

classmethod from_dict(database, mapping)

Reconstruct an instance from a mapping.

  • Parameters

    • database (Database) – database to use

    • mapping (mapping) – serialized state of the instance

  • Return type


generate_query_batches(sql, params=None, param_types=None, partition_size_bytes=None, max_partitions=None, query_options=None)

Start a partitioned query operation.

Uses the PartitionQuery API request to start a partitioned query operation. Returns a list of batch information needed to peform the actual queries.

  • Parameters

    • sql (str) – SQL query statement

    • params (dict, **{str -> column value}) – values for parameter replacement. Keys must match the names used in sql.

    • param_types (dict[str -> Union[dict, **types.Type]]) – (Optional) maps explicit types for one or more param values; required if parameters are passed.

    • partition_size_bytes (int) – (Optional) desired size for each partition generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual partition size may differ.

    • partition_size_bytes – (Optional) desired size for each partition generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual partition size may differ.

    • max_partitions (int) – (Optional) desired maximum number of partitions generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual number of partitions may differ.

    • query_options (QueryOptions or dict) – (Optional) Query optimizer configuration to use for the given query. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message QueryOptions

  • Return type

    iterable of dict

  • Returns

    mappings of information used peform actual partitioned reads via process_read_batch().

generate_read_batches(table, columns, keyset, index='', partition_size_bytes=None, max_partitions=None)

Start a partitioned batch read operation.

Uses the PartitionRead API request to initiate the partitioned read. Returns a list of batch information needed to perform the actual reads.

  • Parameters

    • table (str) – name of the table from which to fetch data

    • columns (list of str) – names of columns to be retrieved

    • keyset (KeySet) – keys / ranges identifying rows to be retrieved

    • index (str) – (Optional) name of index to use, rather than the table’s primary key

    • partition_size_bytes (int) – (Optional) desired size for each partition generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual partition size may differ.

    • max_partitions (int) – (Optional) desired maximum number of partitions generated. The service uses this as a hint, the actual number of partitions may differ.

  • Return type

    iterable of dict

  • Returns

    mappings of information used peform actual partitioned reads via process_read_batch().


Process a single, partitioned query or read.

  • Parameters

    batch (mapping) – one of the mappings returned from an earlier call to generate_query_batches().

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a result set instance which can be used to consume rows.

  • Raises

    ValueError – if batch does not contain either ‘read’ or ‘query’


Process a single, partitioned query.

  • Parameters

    batch (mapping) – one of the mappings returned from an earlier call to generate_query_batches().

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a result set instance which can be used to consume rows.


Process a single, partitioned read.

  • Parameters

    batch (mapping) – one of the mappings returned from an earlier call to generate_read_batches().

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a result set instance which can be used to consume rows.

read(*args, **kw)

Convenience method: perform read operation via snapshot.

See read().


Return state as a dictionary.

Result can be used to serialize the instance and reconstitute it later using from_dict().

class, instance, ddl_statements=(), pool=None)

Bases: object

Representation of a Cloud Spanner Database.

We can use a Database to:

  • create() the database

  • reload() the database

  • update() the database

  • drop() the database

  • Parameters

    • database_id (str) – The ID of the database.

    • instance (Instance) – The instance that owns the database.

    • ddl_statements (list of string) – (Optional) DDL statements, excluding the CREATE DATABASE statement.

    • pool (concrete subclass of AbstractSessionPool.) – (Optional) session pool to be used by database. If not passed, the database will construct an instance of BurstyPool.


Return an object which wraps a batch.

The wrapper must be used as a context manager, with the batch as the value returned by the wrapper.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    new wrapper

batch_snapshot(read_timestamp=None, exact_staleness=None)

Return an object which wraps a batch read / query.

  • Parameters

    • read_timestamp (datetime.datetime) – Execute all reads at the given timestamp.

    • exact_staleness (datetime.timedelta) – Execute all reads at a timestamp that is exact_staleness old.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    new wrapper


Create this database within its instance

Inclues any configured schema assigned to ddl_statements.


  • Return type


  • Returns

    a future used to poll the status of the create request

  • Raises

    • Conflict – if the database already exists

    • NotFound – if the instance owning the database does not exist

property create_time()

Create time of this database.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a datetime object representing the create time of this database

property ddl_statements()

DDL Statements used to define database schema.


  • Return type

    sequence of string

  • Returns

    the statements


Drop this database.


execute_partitioned_dml(dml, params=None, param_types=None, query_options=None)

Execute a partitionable DML statement.

  • Parameters

    • dml (str) – DML statement

    • params (dict, **{str -> column value}) – values for parameter replacement. Keys must match the names used in dml.

    • param_types (dict[str -> Union[dict, **types.Type]]) – (Optional) maps explicit types for one or more param values; required if parameters are passed.

    • query_options (QueryOptions or dict) – (Optional) Query optimizer configuration to use for the given query. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message QueryOptions

  • Return type


  • Returns

    Count of rows affected by the DML statement.


Test whether this database exists.


  • Return type


  • Returns

    True if the database exists, else false.

classmethod from_pb(database_pb, instance, pool=None)

Creates an instance of this class from a protobuf.

  • Parameters

    • database_pb (Instance) – A instance protobuf object.

    • instance (Instance) – The instance that owns the database.

    • pool (concrete subclass of AbstractSessionPool.) – (Optional) session pool to be used by database.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    The database parsed from the protobuf response.

  • Raises

    ValueError – if the instance name does not match the expected format or if the parsed project ID does not match the project ID on the instance’s client, or if the parsed instance ID does not match the instance’s ID.


Test whether this database has finished optimizing.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    True if the database state is READY, else False.


Test whether this database is ready for use.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    True if the database state is READY_OPTIMIZING or READY, else False.

list_database_operations(filter_='', page_size=None)

List database operations for the database.

  • Parameters

    • filter (str) – Optional. A string specifying a filter for which database operations to list.

    • page_size (int) – Optional. The maximum number of operations in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

  • Type


  • Returns

    Iterator of Operation resources within the current instance.

property name()

Database name used in requests.

NOTE: This property will not change if database_id does not, but the return value is not cached.

The database name is of the form


  • Return type


  • Returns

    The database name.


Reload this database.

Refresh any configured schema into ddl_statements.


  • Raises

    NotFound – if the database does not exist


Restore from a backup to this database.

  • Parameters

    backup (Backup) – the path of the backup being restored from.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    a future used to poll the status of the create request

  • Raises

    • Conflict – if the database already exists

    • NotFound – if the instance owning the database does not exist, or if the backup being restored from does not exist

    • ValueError – if backup is not set

property restore_info()

Restore info for this database.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    an object representing the restore info for this database

run_in_transaction(func, *args, **kw)

Perform a unit of work in a transaction, retrying on abort.

  • Parameters

    • func (callable) – takes a required positional argument, the transaction, and additional positional / keyword arguments as supplied by the caller.

    • args (tuple) – additional positional arguments to be passed to func.

    • kw (dict) – (Optional) keyword arguments to be passed to func. If passed, “timeout_secs” will be removed and used to override the default retry timeout which defines maximum timestamp to continue retrying the transaction.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    The return value of func.

  • Raises

    Exception – reraises any non-ABORT execptions raised by func.


Factory to create a session for this database.


Return an object which wraps a snapshot.

The wrapper must be used as a context manager, with the snapshot as the value returned by the wrapper.


  • Parameters

    kw (dict) – Passed through to Snapshot constructor.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    new wrapper

property spanner_api()

Helper for session-related API calls.

property state()

State of this database.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    an enum describing the state of the database

update_ddl(ddl_statements, operation_id='')

Update DDL for this database.

Apply any configured schema from ddl_statements.


  • Parameters

    • ddl_statements (Sequence[str]) – a list of DDL statements to use on this database

    • operation_id (str) – (optional) a string ID for the long-running operation

  • Return type


  • Returns

    an operation instance

  • Raises

    NotFound – if the database does not exist

class, **kw)

Bases: object

Context manager for using a snapshot from a database.

Inside the context manager, checks out a session from the database, creates a snapshot from it, making the snapshot available.

Caller must not use the snapshot to perform API requests outside the scope of the context manager.

  • Parameters

    • database (Database) – database to use

    • kw (dict) – Passed through to Snapshot constructor.


Begin with block.

_exit_(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

End with block.