Accept complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses for a Looker (Google Cloud core) instance

As part of a Looker Studio Pro subscription, a number of Looker Studio Pro licenses are available at no cost to users of a Looker (Google Cloud core) instance. Accept your complimentary licenses and finish setting up your Looker Studio Pro subscription to get started using Looker Studio. More information about the terms of this offer is available in the Looker Studio Help Center article Complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses offer details.

This page discusses how to accept the complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses that have been allocated to your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance and how to select the Google Cloud project that hosts your Looker Studio Pro content. For instructions about accepting complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses for a Looker (original) instance, see the Looker Studio Pro documentation page.

Before you begin

Because your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance is associated with your Looker Studio Pro subscription through a Google Cloud project that hosts your Looker Studio Pro content, we recommend that you set up the Google Cloud project prior to accepting your instance's allotted complimentary licenses.

Required roles

Different permissions are required to perform the following tasks:

  • Accept complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses
  • Update Looker (Google Cloud core) instance information
  • Set up a self-service subscription to Looker Studio Pro

To get the permission that you need to accept complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses and update Looker (Google Cloud core) instance information, ask your administrator to grant you an IAM role containing the looker.instances.update permission for on the Google Cloud project that your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance resides in. The Looker Admin (roles/looker.admin) IAM role contains this permission by default, but you may be able to get this permission with custom roles or other predefined roles.

To get the permission that you need to set up a self-service subscription to Looker Studio Pro, ask your administrator to grant you a role containing the permission for the Google Cloud project that your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance resides in. The Owner (roles/owner) IAM role and the Looker Studio Pro Manager (roles/lookerstudio.proManager) contain this permission by default, but you may be able to get this permission with custom roles or other predefined roles.

Accept Looker Studio Pro licenses

The default number of complimentary licenses allocated to your instance is determined by the edition type.

  • Enterprise and Embed editions are granted 50 complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses.
  • Standard edition is granted 12 licenses for its allotted 10 Standard users and 2 Developer users.

To accept these licenses, follow these steps in the Google Cloud console:

  1. Navigate to the Instances page for the Google Cloud project in which your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance resides.
  2. Select the name of the Looker (Google Cloud core) instance that you want to use with Looker Studio Pro.
  3. Select the Looker Studio Pro tab.
  4. Enable the Accept Looker Studio Pro licenses toggle.

Select a Google Cloud project

After you have accepted the complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses, you must associate your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance with a Google Cloud project. We recommend that you use a Google Cloud project that is dedicated to your Looker Studio Pro content. For new Looker Studio Pro subscriptions, you may need to create a new Google Cloud project before following the steps in this section. More information about Google Cloud project requirements is available in the Looker Studio Help Center article Start a new Pro subscription.

To select your Looker Studio Pro Google Cloud project, follow these steps in the Looker Studio Pro tab of your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance settings:

  1. Click Select project.
  2. In the Select a resource dialog, select your project from the list, and click Select project.
  3. In the Looker Studio Pro tab of your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance settings, click Save.

The Project name field now displays the selected Google Cloud project ID.

Transfer complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses to a different subscription

You can transfer complimentary Looker Studio Pro licenses from one Pro subscription to another Pro subscription. Set up the new subscription first, then follow these steps in the Looker Studio Pro tab of your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance settings to associate your instance with the new Looker Studio Pro subscription:

  1. Click Select project.
  2. In the Select a resource dialog, choose your new selection from the list, and click Select project.
  3. Select a Google Cloud project that is associated with the new Looker Studio Pro subscription.
  4. In the Looker Studio Pro tab of your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance settings, click Save.

The Project name field now displays the Google Cloud project ID that is associated with the new Looker Studio Pro subscription..

Effects of canceling a Looker Studio Pro subscription

If the Looker Studio Pro subscription is canceled, Looker will no longer recognize the subscription. Although the Google Cloud console won't reflect that the Looker (Google Cloud core) instance and the Looker Studio Pro subscription are no longer linked, you will no longer be billed for Looker Studio Pro usage on the Google Cloud project. Your Looker (Google Cloud core) instance's Looker Studio Pro licenses are still available if you reinstate your subscription (within the 30-day grace period) or initiate a new subscription. The no-cost version of Looker Studio is also available for use.

For more information about the effects of canceling a Looker Studio Pro subscription or deleting a Google Cloud project that is associated with a canceled subscription, see the Looker Studio Help Center article Cancel a Looker Studio Pro subscription.

Next step: Finish setting up your Looker Studio Pro subscription

Once you have accepted your complimentary licenses, you can finish setting up your new Looker Studio Pro subscription. Click Add users to add subscription users from the Looker Studio Pro homepage within the Google Cloud console. Alternatively, click add users in Looker Studio Pro to navigate straight to Looker Studio. Set up a new Looker Studio Pro subscription by following the steps that are outlined in the Looker Studio Help Center article Start a new Pro subscription.

If you have an existing Looker Studio Pro subscription, your complimentary licenses have been applied automatically to your existing Looker Studio Pro users, and they can now use Looker Studio Pro!