Method: dicomStores.import

Full name: projects.locations.datasets.dicomStores.import

Imports data into the DICOM store by copying it from the specified source. Errors are logged to Cloud Logging. For more information, see Viewing error logs in Cloud Logging. The metadata field type is OperationMetadata.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. The name of the DICOM store resource into which the data is imported. For example, projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/datasets/{datasetId}/dicomStores/{dicomStoreId}.

Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource name:

  • healthcare.dicomStores.import

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "blobStorageSettings": {

  // Union field source can be only one of the following:
  "gcsSource": {
  // End of list of possible types for union field source.


Optional. The blob storage settings for the data imported by this operation.

Union field source. Specifies the source data location and import configuration.

To enable the Cloud Healthcare API to read from resources in your project such as Cloud Storage, you must give the Cloud Healthcare API service account the proper permissions. The service account is: service-{PROJECT_NUMBER} The PROJECT_NUMBER identifies the project that the DICOM store resides in. To get the project number, go to the Cloud Console Dashboard. source can be only one of the following:



Cloud Storage source data location and import configuration.

The Cloud Healthcare Service Agent requires the roles/storage.objectViewer Cloud IAM roles on the Cloud Storage location.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of Operation.

Authorization scopes

Requires one of the following OAuth scopes:


For more information, see the Authentication Overview.


Specifies the configuration for importing data from Cloud Storage.

JSON representation
  "uri": string


Points to a Cloud Storage URI containing file(s) with content only.

The URI must be in the following format: gs://{bucket_id}/{objectId}. The URI can include wildcards in objectId and thus identify multiple files. Supported wildcards:

  • '*' to match 0 or more non-separator characters
  • '**' to match 0 or more characters (including separators). Must be used at the end of a path and with no other wildcards in the path. Can also be used with a file extension (such as .dcm), which imports all files with the extension in the specified directory and its sub-directories. For example, gs://my-bucket/my-directory/**.dcm imports all files with .dcm extensions in my-directory/ and its sub-directories.
  • '?' to match 1 character.

All other URI formats are invalid. Files matching the wildcard are expected to contain content only, no metadata.