Create device-based access levels

This document shows how administrators can create access levels based on device attributes (device-based access levels) using Access Context Manager.

An access level is a set of attributes that is used to permit access to resources based on contextual information about the request. As an administrator, you can create basic access levels or custom access levels by using the device attributes collected by Endpoint Verification.

Before you begin

Create an access level


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Access Context Manager page.

    Go to Access Context Manager

  2. If you're prompted, select your organization.

  3. On the Access Context Manager page, click Create access level.

  4. In the New Access Level pane, create a basic access level or a custom access level. For instructions, expand the required section.

    Create a basic access level

    1. In the Access level title box, enter a title for the access level.

      The title must be at most 50 characters, start with a letter, and can contain only numbers, letters, underscores, and spaces.

    2. In the Create Conditions in section, select Basic mode

    3. In the Conditions section, select device attributes:
      1. Click Device Policy.
      2. Select the required attributes.

        For example, if you want to enforce admin approval on devices, select Require admin approval.

    4. Click Save.

    The newly created access level is displayed on the Access Context Manager page.

    Create a custom access level

    1. In the Access level title box, enter a title for the access level.

      The title must be at most 50 characters, start with a letter, and can contain only numbers, letters, underscores, and spaces.

    2. In the Create Conditions in section, select Advanced mode.
    3. In the Conditions section, enter the expressions for your custom access level. The condition must resolve to a single boolean value.

      To find the available device attributes for your CEL expression, see the device attributes collected by Endpoint Verification.

      The following CEL expression allows access only from the encrypted devices:

      device.encryption_status == DeviceEncryptionStatus.ENCRYPTED

      For examples and more information about Common Expression Language (CEL) support and custom access levels, see the Custom access level specification.

    4. Click Save.

    The newly created access level is displayed on the Access Context Manager page.

gcloud CLI

To create access levels, use the gcloud access-context-manager levels create method.

  1. Create a .yaml file.

    • For a basic access level, specify device policy attributes for the access level.

      Example: To limit access to only users with encrypted device storage, enter the following in the .yaml file.

        - devicePolicy:
              - ENCRYPTED
    • For a custom access level, specify a CEL expression formatted as a single key-value pair: expression: "CEL_EXPRESSION"

      Example: To limit access to only users with encrypted device storage and with the approved device status, enter the following in the .yaml file.

      expression: "device.encryption_status == DeviceEncryptionStatus.ENCRYPTED && device.is_admin_approved_device"

    For a list of device policy access level attributes and their YAML format, see Device policy attributes. For a comprehensive YAML file of all possible attributes, see this example access level YAML file.

    To find the available device attributes for custom level specifications, see Device attributes collected by Endpoint Verification.

  2. Create the access level.

    • For a basic access level, run the following command:

      gcloud access-context-manager levels create ACCESS_LEVEL_NAME \
      --title=TITLE \
    • For a custom access level, run the following command:

      gcloud access-context-manager levels create ACCESS_LEVEL_NAME \
      --title=TITLE \


    • ACCESS_LEVEL_NAME is the unique name for the access level. It must have the following format: accessPolicies/POLICY_ID/accessLevels/LEVEL_ID.

    • LEVEL_ID is a name for the access level. The name must be at most 50 characters, start with a letter, and can contain only numbers, letters, and underscores.

    • TITLE is a human-readable title. It must be unique to the policy.

    • FILE_NAME is the name of the .yaml file. For a basic access level, it contains device policy attributes. For a custom access level, it contains a CEL expression formatted as a single key-value pair: `expression: "CEL_EXPRESSION".

    • POLICY_NAME is the name of your organization's access policy.

    You see output similar to the following:

    Create request issued for: NAME
    Waiting for operation [accessPolicies/POLICY_NAME/accessLevels/NAME/create/1521594488380943] to complete...done.
    Created level NAME.


Create an access level by using the accessPolicies.accessLevels.create method.

Create a basic access level

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • POLICY_ID: the ID of your organization's access policy.
  • LEVEL_ID: a name for the access level. The name must be at most 50 characters, start with a letter, and can contain only numbers, letters, and underscores.
  • ACCESS_LEVEL_NAME: the unique name for the access level. It must have the following format: accessPolicies/POLICY_ID/accessLevels/LEVEL_ID.
  • TITLE: a human-readable title. It must be unique to the policy.
  • DESCRIPTION: a description of the access level and its use.
  • CONDITION: a list of requirements for the access level to be granted.

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

For basic access levels:

"title": TITLE,
  "description": DESCRIPTION,

  "basic": {
  "conditions": [

To send your request, choose one of these options:


Save the request body in a file named request.json, and execute the following command:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


Save the request body in a file named request.json, and execute the following command:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "{parent=accessPolicies/POLICY_ID}/accessLevels" | Select-Object -Expand Content

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "name": "operations/accessPolicies/84961948973/accessLevels/deviceEncrypted/create/1666896068847514",
  "metadata": {
    "@type": ""
  "done": true,
  "response": {
    "@type": "",
    "name": "accessPolicies/84961948973/accessLevels/deviceEncrypted",
    "title": "accessPolicies/84961948973/accessLevels/deviceEncrypted",
    "basic": {
      "conditions": [
          "devicePolicy": {
            "allowedEncryptionStatuses": [

Create a custom access level

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • POLICY_ID: the ID of your organization's access policy.
  • LEVEL_ID: a name for the access level. The name must be at most 50 characters, start with a letter, and can contain only numbers, letters, and underscores.
  • ACCESS_LEVEL_NAME: the unique name for the access level. It must have the following format: accessPolicies/POLICY_ID/accessLevels/LEVEL_ID.
  • TITLE: a human-readable title. It must be unique to the policy.
  • DESCRIPTION: a description of the access level and its use.
  • CEL_EXPRESSION: A CEL expression evaluating to a boolean.

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

"title": TITLE,
  "description": DESCRIPTION,

  "custom": {
   "conditions": [
      "expr": {

To send your request, choose one of these options:


Save the request body in a file named request.json, and execute the following command:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


Save the request body in a file named request.json, and execute the following command:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "{parent=accessPolicies/POLICY_ID}/accessLevels" | Select-Object -Expand Content

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "name": "operations/accessPolicies/84961948973/accessLevels/sampleCustomAccessLevelName/create/1666936427127701",
  "metadata": {
    "@type": ""
  "done": true,
  "response": {
    "@type": "",
    "name": "accessPolicies/84961948973/accessLevels/sampleCustomAccessLevelName",
    "title": "accessPolicies/84961948973/accessLevels/sampleCustomAccessLevelTitle",
    "custom": {
      "expr": {
        "expression": "device.encryption_status == DeviceEncryptionStatus.ENCRYPTED"

For more information about creating access levels with various conditions and access level dependencies, see Create a basic access level.

What's next