See the supported connectors for Application Integration.


A variable is an integration element that holds and transports data between the tasks, triggers, and edges of an integration.

  • Variables can be statically defined at design time or dynamically passed to the integration at runtime.
  • Variables can reference other variables in an integration.
  • Variables can be globally accessible to all tasks, or locally accessible to a specific task.

Three types of variables are available:

Integration variables

Integration variables are similar to variables used in a programming language. Data in the variables can be read and written throughout the execution of the integration.

Integration variables can be used in the following ways:

  • Taken in as inputs to the integration (input variables).
  • Returned as outputs of the integration (output variables).
  • Used to hold temporary state during the execution of an integration.

The value of a variables does not have to be statically defined in the integration. Variable values can be passed into an integration through the use of a trigger. However, if a variable is statically defined in the integration, and the same variable is supplied dynamically with trigger, the dynamic value assignment will overwrite the static assignment.

Supported data types for integration variables

The following data types are supported for integration variables:

  • String and String array
  • Integer and Integer array
  • Double and Double array
  • Boolean and Boolean array
  • JSON

Variable references

The tasks, triggers, and edges in an integration read and write to variables using variable references. A variable reference takes the form $paramKey$ where paramKey is the name of the variable. For example, an edge conditional could look like this:

NOT ($isNameUnique$ = false OR $numAccounts$ > 1)

In this example, isNameUnique is a variable of data type boolean and numAccounts is a parameter of data type integer.

Task variables

Task variables are pre-defined auto-generated variables of a task. If a task has an output, all such ouputs are available in a task variable. You cannot delete or edit a task variable. For example, for the Call REST Endpoint task, the response body is stored in the responseBody variable.

Config variables

Config variables enable you to externalize configuration for integration. With config variables, you can configure aspects of your integration such as connector details, authentication details, or URL endpoints that are based on the development environment (QA, staging, or production). You don't need to update your integration manually before uploading the integration to a new environment. Application Integration lets you enter values for the config variables when you publish the integration.

To learn how to create config variables and use them, see the tutorial Build CICD for your integration.

View variables

You can use the Variables pane to create, edit, view, duplicate, and delete variables in your integration. The Variables pane also displays a count of the total variable references within the integration.

To view the Variables pane, click (Toggle panel) in the designer navigation bar.

The following image shows a sample layout of the Variables pane:

Integrations designer var Integrations designer var

Create a variable

To create a variable, perform the following steps:

  1. In the integration editor navigation bar, click (Toggle panel) to bring up the Variables pane.
  2. Click +Create.
  3. Do the following in the Create Variable pane:
    1. Name: Enter the name of the variable.
    2. Variable Type: Choose the type of the variable.
    3. Data type Description
      None A local variable in an integration.
      Config variable for Integration A config variable in an integration.
      Input to Integration During execution the variable will be provided as an input to the executed trigger.
      Output from Integration Variable's final value at the end of execution should be output to the integration's caller.
      Input and Output of Integration At execution the variable will be provided as an input to the executed trigger and its final value will be output to the integration's caller.
    4. Data Type: Choose the data type of the variable. You can identity the data type of a variable using the icon next to the variable name.
      Data type Example
      String Alex
      Integer 30
      Double 30.5
      Boolean true
      JSON { "employee":{"name":"Alex", "age":30, "city":"Mountain View"} }
      String array Alex, Kai, Raha
      Integer array 30, 25, 22
      Double array 30.5, 25.34, 22.134
      Boolean array true, false, false

      For information about the supported data types, see Supported data types.

    5. Default Value: Enter the default value for the variable. This is an optional field.
    6. Schema: Select the JSON schema for the variable.
      • Infer from a sample JSON payload: Generates a JSON schema from a sample JSON payload. The sample payload is discarded after the schema is generated. Only the generated schema will be saved.
      • Enter a JSON schema: Manually enter an entire JSON schema.
      • Infer from the default value: Generates a JSON schema using the provided default value.
      • None: No JSON schema.
    7. Mask the variable in logs (preview): Select this option to enable masking for the variable in the integration execution logs. To enable masking for the variable, you must enable masking variables for your integration and region. For information about how to enable masking for the integration and the region, see Edit an integration and Edit regions.

      For information about masking, see Mask sensitive data in logs.

  4. Click Create.

Using variable data in integrations

During the execution of an integration, run-time data is passed in as variables that are declared for the integration or task. Once execution begins, input data is converted into an in-memory object called an Event.

After the Event object is created, an in-memory graph of tasks is built using the integration definition. Incoming variable values are passed to tasks based on your configuration. As the integration executes, the tasks read and write data back into the Event object,to be used by subsequent tasks or to form the output data of the integration.

Quotas and limits

For information about quotas and limits, see Quotas and limits.

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